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The episode starts with Papa Pope mentioning all her new locks and telling her to shut down the case against him and B613 because he is just a paleontologist at the Smithsonian. He realizes that Liv doesn’t care what this will do to Fitz and mentions Freud. Liv says that he does not know who she is but he says that her friends don’t know her.

“You are a warrior- never reckless, never naive, too smart to let fear drive you. Precise, quiet, calculating, you will wait for the right time. You will look at all the possible outcomes. You’ll understand what needs to be done. You will pick a side and then you will handle this situation in the manner we both know it needs to be handled. You will burn it down and never look back. Your friends don’t know you. They think that you’re loyal to people. They don’t know that you would use them as kindling for the fire if you have to. I know you. I know that you would never allow people to get in the way of what is right, of your fundamental belief that the republic must stand at all costs. I know you. Because the apple does not fall far from the tree, Olivia, poison though it may be.”

Liv tells him that it’s time for him to leave, when we see Russell on the ground. Apparently, he was sedated. After Papa Pope leaves, Liv removes the bindings from his feet and hands and pretends that they drank too much.

The next day they are all in David’s office where she tells them that Rowan gave her 48 hours to shut it down. They all agree to move forward even though it could hurt the president.

We see Cyrus trying to pass a bill on police wearing body cameras and they finally get enough votes for it to pass so Cyrus wants a big event to celebrate.

We then see coverage on the local D.C. mayoral race where incumbent Mayor Verrano is against Marcus Walker. Marcus is nine points ahead of Verrano. Liv then gets a call from Marcus who is at the mayors house. When they get there they see that the door is unlocked and no one is there. Liv calls out Marcus’ name and he answers from upstairs. When they get there they see bloody footprints and a dead woman on the bed and Marcus with his shirt off. The dead woman is the mayors wife.

Liv asks him what happened and he says that they were in bed when they heard someone come in the back door and assumed that it was her husband so she told him to hide in the closet. We see a guy in a mask come in and kill her and then two more guys follow. They stabbed her five times with a hunting knife and then took all the jewelry. Huck confirms three sets of footprints and deduces that Marcus is telling the truth.

They are thinking of what to do but since Marcus isn’t exactly a favorite of the DCPD they go for plan B, which is to make her a missing person.

Cyrus comes into Fitz’s office and says that senator Rogers went into labor so they have a tie. They decide to get Susan Ross, who is at a spelling bee. We see Ethan whisper in her ear and then be told that he has to wait until the last word has been spelled. The word is onomatopoeia. After Violet spells it right we see Ethan follow her out of the room. Cyrus is telling her that they are waiting on her vote but she says that she has to read it first. The bill is 1,200 pages long. Susan goes to work reading it.

Quinn and Huck are deciding what to do with the body and Huck gives her dealers choice. They decide to do a fluff and fold. We see them hammer her and split her into little pieces so she will fit in a suitcase. Lovely, right? They then start to clean up the mess. Marcus asks Liv if she thinks that he is a hypocrite for sleeping with a white woman but she says “The mayor’s wife is upstairs lying in a pool of blood while my team erases evidence of a crime scene. I’d say it takes a lot to surprise me because this is my job. This is what I do. You call me, and I save your life. Now you know what I’m about.”

We see Abby at the podium taking questions about the VP. Cyrus comes in and asks if Susan is ready but she says that she didn’t understand pg. 337. Cyrus says that she can ask her questions after she votes and that they can “sit up all night in the oval in our sweats and drink coffee and eat ramen noodles and highlight and ask questions, but right now, we have the entire country waiting for us.”For some reason the thought of that makes me laugh.

Susan tells Cyrus that if she has to vote now then she would vote no so Cyrus brings in David and tells him, “Do not feed the pigeon.”

Liv is watching the news, where the mayor is talking about his missing wife. Jake comes in and says that he’s there for her if she needs him. Liv then gets a call saying that Marcus was arrested. Liv asks if he was arrested and he wasn’t so she says that they are leaving. On the way out she see’s the captain and they have a nice chat and he gets owned.

Huck tells Liv that Marcus’ email was hacked and someone sent 29 threatening emails to Natalie, the mayors wife the night before she died. Liv asks Marcus to remember what happened. He tells them that the guy who killed Natalie was named Mickey.

Susan asks David how they are going to enforce this bill because if not it’s just a bunch of requests. David goes into the oval and says that he fed the pigeon. We then see Liv and Jake at David’s office. David asks Jake about Operation Remington and asks what its purpose was. Jake says, “To bring down a civilian airliner.” David asks how many people were aboard the plane and who shot it down. Jake says, “329 and Fitzgerald Grant.” David is astonished that it was the president. We then see Liv walk very slowly towards the elevator while flashing back to the red door.

At her apartment we see her pour a glass of wine and call Russell. When he comes over he says that he is looking for a more stable relationship. Liv then says, “My life is very complicated and I want it to not be complicated.” They then have sex.

Mellie goes to talk to Susan so she will vote but Susan is on to her. “And you need this bill now. So you can announce your senate run.” Mellie asks who told her that and she says, “No one. I just assumed. I mean, let’s be honest, that’s the real reason I’m here, right? So you can take my senate seat and then not have to worry about a competitive VP when you run for president. It’s a genius plan. You’d make an excellent president, Mrs. Grant.” Looks like Susan is pretty smart. Smarter than they all thought.

Liv and them are still trying to figure out who Mickey is when Liv see’s something on the TV. They rewind and see a guy with really big ears. It’s his nickname. His real name is Marvin O’Connor and has been Verrano’s personal driver for 13 years. He’s also an associate of the Burnham crime family. They hack into his cell and bank account and see that he got paid 20k. Liv tells Marcus that he can either get justice or his career.

We see Liv, Marcus and Verrano in a limo. Liv tells Verrano that he will finish his term, drop out of the race and endorse Marcus for mayor. He will then say that he is going to make it his crusade to find his wife and then drop out of public life. Marcus will express his sympathies for Verrano and that he accepts his endorsement. They will answer no questions, return to the car and drive away. Verrano says his speech but Marcus goes off script and says that he was having an affair with Verrano’s wife so he had her killed. Liv then grabs him and they go away.

Fitz then comes in to see Susan and tells her that she has stalled this vote long enough. Susan stands up to Fitz and they go about changing the bill. Cyrus comes in and asks if they’re ready but Fitz says that they are pulling the bill and are going to make it better.

Marcus tells the police everything and they leave. They are in David’s office drinking to white hats. We see Liv talking to her dad and telling him that she is coming after him. We see Jake get called to Liv’s office when he is attacked by a figure wearing a mask. They struggle until Jake pulls the mask off and see’s that it is Russell. Russell then stabs Jake a few times and then a few more times.

Photo Courtesy: Essence