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We see a man running from a car and eventually get cornered. The driver gets out and then approaches the man.

Beckett is helping Alexis cram some last minute information for her midterm. Alexis leaves and then Castle and Beckett briefly talk about where Beckett would have been if she had received her law degree instead. They are about to start making out when she gets a phone call.

When they get to the scene they start talking about the policeman’s benevolent fundraiser. We learn that Ryan and Esposito have won the talent show for the past two years. The victim was found by sanitation workers but has no phone or wallet. Lanie tells them that he died from blunt force trauma to the back of the head and based on lividity he died between midnight and 2 a.m. A witness heard screams around 1 and saw what he thought was a sports car speeding away.

They recognize the victim as Richie “the pitbull” Falco, the personal injury attorney from the late night TV ads. Well at least Castle, Beckett, Esposito and Lanie do. Not Ryan because he is either asleep or working. Beckett and Castle go to his office and see a lot of people there waiting. They talk to his secretary and learn that he had been acting paranoid and missed work yesterday. They also learn that he might have been at St. Simon’s looking for people who would need his services.

Esposito and Ryan go to see Lanie but before she will tell them what she found she wants to know what they are going to do at the talent show. They refuse to tell her so she tells them that the yellow stuff on his pants is pollen from the tussilago flower. Lanie also shows them the taser marks on the body signifying that he was tortured.

Beckett didn’t find anything in his case files. Gates asks Castle if he can be the celebrity performer because Kimmel had to back out. Castle agrees and adds that he and Beckett be allowed to compete for the trophy. Gates agrees and Beckett is shocked. Beckett asks to have a word with Castle and tells him that they don’t have a routine.

Ryan finds video footage of Falco at the hospital where he gets into a fight with a guy in a sports car. The owner of the car is Derek Bolt, an ex-NFL running back. When Ryan and Esposito go to talk with him he tries to run until Esposito tackles him. When Beckett and Ryan start to question him he says that the reason he ran was because they looked like collection agents. Bolt tells them that Falco was his attorney and that they just talked when Falco asked to be dropped off at a diner for a late night meet.

They are discussing where Falco could have been when Esposito comes up on crutches and says that he twisted his knee when he tackled Bolt. Esposito wants to start a wager so if they win then Castle will dedicate his next book to them. “Esposito and Ryan. Two guys who are funnier, handsomer, and better than me in every way.” If Beckett and Castle win then Ryan and Esposito will call Castle ‘King Castle’ for a month. Ryan and Beckett are reluctant to make it a wager but Castle agrees if they will also call him You’re royal highness.

Esposito tells them that Falco called one person that day, his ex-wife, Elise Resner. Resner tells Beckett that when he called he said that he was in trouble but she didn’t ask what kind. We learn that Falco was doing corporate law before he became a personal injury attorney. But the pressure made him crack so he started drinking and doing drugs.

Esposito comes in and says that they have a situation. Falco’s office has been broken into. Falco’s computer and case files were stolen. Ryan calls and says that the meeting at the diner was a fight and then sends a picture of who it was with, Archie Bronstein, the Savannah Hammer. Bronstein is a fellow personal injury attorney who kept losing clients to Falco so they go talk to him at a hospital. Bronstein tells them that Falco was trying to take one of his clients and that’s why they were fighting. The client, a girl with three pieces of metal in her heart, is an easy case for a settlement. He also tells them that Falco was known for doing anything for enough money.

Back at Falco’s office, CSU finds a hidden panel and finds a bag filled with kidnapping equipment. Esposito is going to look for B&E reports that might involve Falco and  kidnapping reports. Ryan finds night vision goggles that belong to Mr. Sampson in the bag. He tells them that he worked with Falco sometimes doing P.I. stuff. Sampson also tells them that Falco asked him what’s the best way to get rid of a body, but he thought that he was kidding.

Beckett is looking for Ryan and Esposito and Gates tells them that she thought she saw them go into interrogation. Another cop guarding the door says that he is not allowed to say what is going on in there or let anyone in. Beckett and Castle go into the observation room and see them dancing to Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky.”

Tory traced the call that Falco made to his ex-wife and found that he was at Montrose State Forest. Castle and Beckett go looking for the spot where the body could be. Castle finds the tussilago flower and then finds the disturbed ground. We see Beckett digging and finally come across a body bag. They are pulling it out when a guy in a mask and holding a shotgun comes up behind them and tells them to step away from the body.

The masked man zip tied their hands and took their phones and keys. Castle says that all they have to do is hit them as hard as they can against their butts. They eventually come off and then we see Beckett and Castle return to the precinct. Beckett tells them to run the zip-ties for DNA and to send a team to the woods to check for trace evidence.

Nobody in Falco’s life has gone missing and Ryan has found no B&E’s or kidnap reports that relate to him either. Castle tells Esposito that he can drop the act because they saw them practicing. Later at the apartment, we see Beckett and Castle dancing. Castle goes to call Esposito and raise the wager leaving Beckett with Martha. Beckett tells Martha that she gets song fright and can’t perform in front of strangers.

When Beckett and Castle get to the precinct Esposito wants to raise the bet but Gates tells them that Kimmel rearranged his schedule and is back in. Ryan then tells them that they identified the guy who stole the body from them. There were cameras in the trees to carry out wildlife census. It was Sampson.

When they go to arrest him they find the body bag in the trunk. Castle opens it and finds a crash dummy inside. Sampson won’t talk but Ryan tells them that they found the stolen case files shredded in his apartment. Beckett and Castle then go to the morgue to talk to Lanie about the dummy.

They see that the dummy has three holes near the heart that look exactly like the ones in the patient that Falco was trying to poach. So they go talk to her and learn that besides Falco, a lady came in from the insurance agency and asked her what kind of car she was driving. Esposito tells them that the car she was driving was a Modesto sedan and when he checked the list again he found that each entry coincided with a Modesto car accident.

The law firm that Falco used to work had Modesto as their client and he used to be in charge of their account. A few months after the first accident is when Falco started drinking and doing drugs. So they deduce that Falco was going to expose the truth about Modesto and the cover up with the dummy. The sketch comes back from the girl in the hospital, it was Falco’s ex-wife, who was recently appointed Modesto’s counsel.

Castle and Beckett bring Resner in and question her about why Falco really called her. They say that it was to warn her that he was going public about Modesto covering up the defect. A break in happened at a Modesto motors storage facility three nights ago where a silent alarm went of. When police responded they said that it was set of by mistake but an ambulance was called to treat a guard with chloroform inhalation. She tells them that Modesto has its own investigators and wouldn’t hire an outsider to retrieve the dummy and tells them that she saw Sampson talking to Bronstein outside of the hospital.

Castle and Beckett go confront Bronstein and tell him that Sampson gave him up and paid him to steal the dummy and the case files. His alibi told them that he paid her and they found the taser and tire iron in the back of his car. They arrest him and when they return to the precinct they learn that Ryan and Esposito won the trophy. Castle talks smack and they are about to throw down in the precinct but Castle backs out.

Beckett realizes that Castle knows about her stage fright and that she had Kimmel perform so she wouldn’t have to. They go home and we see their shower scene.