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The episode starts off with a bang. Literally. It was a car bomb to kill Jake.

Liv gets a phone call from Karen who is at a party and wasted. Liv and Quinn extract her to a white house chopper. Where they find that Karen has a sex tape.  Where Liv promptly calls Cyrus to wake the president.

“I just saw the dirtiest sex tape I have ever seen in my entire life and it stars his teenage daughter.” -Olivia

Okay. So exactly how many sex tapes have you seen Liv?

We learn that Tom has orders to kill Jake. However, they are at an impasse with each other because Jake knows all of Tom’s moves.

Cyrus has a really good talk with Abby concerning Olivia, which is illuminating and really true.

“You are not Olivia. You will never be Olivia. And hating Olivia for your own shortcomings will not change that fact. Also have you ever stopped to think what it must be like to actually be Olivia Pope? Doesn’t seem like that much fun.” -Cyrus

David is threatened by Jake for the B613 files. David seems to be threatened a lot.

The scene with Liv running from Mellie is a stark contrast between Liv and Mellie.

Fitz and Mellie have an important talk. With Fitz calling her Drunk Mellie, Smelly Mellie, Screw everything to hell Mellie, crybaby Mellie, and eat everything that is not nailed down Mellie. That’s a lot of hashtags.

When Liv brings in the parents of the second boy they attempt to blackmail the president for $2.5 million.

When Liv and Fitz are in the Oval talking it comes out that Liv went away with Jake.

“So I am failing as a father, and a husband, and a man.” -Fitz

The crazy parents go too far with Olivia so she goes a bit postal on them. They obviously didn’t know who they were dealing with.

Mellie has a great mother moment with Karen.

During the investigation into the secret service Tom’s name comes up regarding discrepancies during the election. Jake tries to see the president regarding Jerry’s death but is on the way to see Tom being interrogated. However, command shows up and gets Tom to frame Jake for Jerry’s death.

They are both taken away. Tom might be going to jail or the hole. Jake’s going to be interrogated and maybe even killed.